
The author(s) of this blog are NOT medical experts. The author(s) of this website are NOT religious scholars. The opinions on this blog are based solely upon life experiences and are not intended to be provided as professional advice. Opinions may be formed based on the following, including but not limited to: academic works, published works and religious biblical contexts. Any commentary published on this blog are layman opinions unless expressly specified.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Adult Temper Tantrums - Hypomanic Episodes

Have you ever been in the presence of someone who is mentally ill, everything seems to be going fine and then suddenly, faster than you can grab hold of the situation, pardon my expression but ... shit hits the fan?

Friday, July 24, 2015

Mentality of Infertility

As I sat in the chair next to my then fiancé, we waited for the next step. We had already checked in and now were just waiting. Feeling confident, I gave DH a broad smile. The doctor came into the exam room, sat down on the round stool and introduced himself to DH.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Angela's Story - Adolescent Mental Illness

Today I'd like to start with a short story that happened in the fall of 1992. I was thirteen years old. At that point I was about three or four months into my chemotherapy treatments. All of my hair had fallen out by that time and many people told me that I had a very nicely shaped bald head, nearly perfectly round and flawless.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Bipolar + Impusive Spending = An Upset Partner!

I think the thing that frustrates me the most about bipolar is the anger. When DH is in a hypomanic state and is angry about something, that does not warrant anger at the level of anger expressed, it makes ME incredibly ANGRY!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Do You See What I See?

Just four days ago, I publicized this blog. Your outpouring of support has been amazing! I have received personal messages and Facebook post messages of friends expressing gratitude for this blog.

The majority of the support for this blog has been silent. I want you to see what I see. Look to the right margin of this blog. I want you to see the stats for this blog. Today, this blog's views exceeded 500 hits! After just four days!

I understand the silent support. For years I have been a silent observer on the internet searching message boards, blogs and forums for answers. I've searched medical websites, white paper documents and purchased books. Your silent support is noticed. If you see what I see, you'll recognize that there are so many people looking for Mental Illness: Mental Awareness answers and support, just like you.

Thank you for your support. Thank you for your messages. Thank you for your personal examples you have shared with me confidentially. You know who you are, and to you I am grateful. I appreciate those of you who have shared this blog on your own Facebook walls for your loved ones to see.


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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Anxiety Sucks!

Anxiety sucks! Can I just say that? Out loud? Right now? It stinks!

Anxiety is the opposite of depression. There is a reason that Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" became such a classic. We felt the sadness and remorse with character Ebeneezer Scrooge when he

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Why Didn't You Call Me?

As I have received such positive feedback from creating this blog, and I thank everyone for their support and love, I feel I need to address the elephant in the room. Why haven't I called you? Why haven't I reached out to you for support?

Best Kept Family Secret

Talking about mental illness is scary. Period. End of story! No one wants to talk about it because very few people know what to do about it much less what to say to you if you need support. Others turn their nose and snub mental illness. The biggest blow is when family members or friends simply tell you to "suck it up" and get over it. I mean, we all have problems right? What makes you so special?

Saturday, July 11, 2015

What it is Like to Live With Someone Who Has Mental Illness

Living with someone who has mental illness, more specifically, manic-depressive disorder, is something that can be difficult to describe but I will do my best.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Matrimony Beginings

DH and I met on a blind date set-up. It wasn't just any blind date set-up, it was a mother who worked with DH and set up her daughter (yours truly) with DH on a date while visiting home from college.

My Background

Perhaps a good place to start would be to tell you about some of my background.

My childhood was difficult but I always remained positive and even participated in a national debate competition of original oratory with a ten minute speech titled "The Power of Positive Thinking". This event was held in Baltimore, Maryland and though I did not win, it was a wonderful experience.

At age 7 my parents divorced. Just before my 10th birthday, my mother remarried. Two weeks before my 13th birthday, I was diagnosed with AML Childhood Leukemia and underwent a bone marrow transplant. At the time this was considered experimental and controversial.


After a lot of consideration and discussion, I have decided to start this blog, Mental Illness: Mental Awareness. The purpose of this blog is two-fold but holds one outcome: healing. It is in part for me, and in part for you. My husband suffers from mental illness. I have asked his permission to start this blog. It places both of us in a vulnerable position. He has his concerns but has agreed. Because of his illness, his mind could once again change, but that is yet to be determined.

From here on out, my husband will be known as DH (Dear Husband).